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The Justice of Community
Jesus the Son told His disciples, “The poor you will have with you always.” God the Father told Israel, “There will be no poor among...
Jul 11, 20233 min read

Jesus, Miracles, & Serving
Servanthood is central to the work of the church simply because it was central to the work of Jesus. Jesus’ ministry included two types...
Jun 13, 20233 min read

The Missionary Position
Yeah, I’m sorry about that title. And I'm really sorry about that picture. But it did make you look. In our last post, I talked about...
Jun 5, 20233 min read

What Churches Will Survive?
Let me lay my cards on the table by stating a central belief I have about the local church: it must be outward-focused if it is to...
May 30, 20233 min read

How Do We Learn?
When I was pastoring, getting sick was disastrous…especially when it happened at the last minute and you’re speaking the next day in four...
Apr 11, 20233 min read

21st Century Foot Washing
Years ago when I was pastoring, we had a group of people who would go to a particular place where the homeless in Cincinnati would meet...
Feb 14, 20233 min read

What's Your Attitude Indicator?
So here’s an idea as we move into the Thanksgiving holiday… Paul’s short letter to the Philippian church underscored his belief that...
Nov 22, 20222 min read

Let's Talk About Church Consultants...
Yeah, I know, I know. It’s a tacky mashup of Pixar and Peanuts. But the point is: do we really need “church consultants”? I have to admit...
Oct 4, 20223 min read

Are Apologetics Dead?
Don’t get me wrong: apologetics are important. From the launch of the Church in Acts 2, Christians have proclaimed the uniqueness of...
Sep 27, 20223 min read

Ron Sider, Justice & Generosity
Recently I learned of Ron Sider’s death at 82 from sudden cardiac arrest. Fifteen years ago I had him speak at our church and took him...
Aug 16, 20223 min read

Part 2: How (and How Not!) to Recruit Volunteers
In our last post, we talked about some best practices for recruiting volunteers. With many churches operating with less people...
Jun 27, 20222 min read

How (and How Not!) to Recruit Volunteers
In our post-pandemic world of lower in-person church attendance (averaging about half of what it was pre-Covid), many are left with...
Jun 21, 20223 min read

How Big Is The Church?
Play along with me for a minute and let’s use our imagination. If a twenty-something artist named Michelangelo could create something as...
Jun 14, 20222 min read

Is Your Church Afraid of Change?
Over the years that we’ve worked with churches, it’s been our observation that of the four critical elements of healthy, effective...
Apr 19, 20222 min read

What's Your Leadership Perspective?
I recently came across a fascinating geographical factoid. The writer at The Acadian Ideal overlayed the Mediterranean Sea map on top of...
Mar 23, 20222 min read

The Danger of Moderation
I’m writing this on MLK Day. The non-violent protests for voting rights in the 1960’s, particularly in Alabama, had raised the ire of...
Jan 17, 20223 min read

The Incarnational Leader
Sometime back I got an email from a church describing their discipleship pathway. They were particularly focused on “skeptics”. The way...
Dec 21, 20212 min read

“Values, meet Strategy.”
In the early days of our church, founding pastor Steve Sjogren coined a simple phrase for people to use in basic “servant evangelism”...
Dec 7, 20212 min read

A Different Kind of Thanks/Giving
Here in the States we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving this week. Forget the pilgrims and corn—let’s just talk about the concept of...
Nov 23, 20212 min read

Tidy Church Litter
The church has always struggled with the tension between evangelism and holiness. I have friends who say when it comes to evangelism,...
Aug 17, 20212 min read
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