FOCUS is a gamified strategic planning experience that leads your team through the development of your next strategic plan.
Guiding prompts lead your team to articulate common goals for your nonprofit’s work, define strategies to achieve these goals, and identify key champions to put strategies into practice.
The Elemental Group’s expert consultants can facilitate your FOCUS sessions to provide guiding insights and offer ongoing coaching in the deployment of your plan. By the end of this process, you’ll have:
A 12-24 month organizational strategic plan with goals, strategies, and champions.
A one-page visualization of your strategic plan identifying 4 key goals and up to 16 key strategies.
Everything you need is in the box for up to 12 participants.
Your Elemental Team will:​
Facilitate up to two gamified FOCUS sessions with your nonprofit’s key leaders.
Draft and refine a strategic plan based on the results of your FOCUS session(s).
Engage at six monthly coaching sessions to offer support in the implementation of your plan.
FOCUS is also available as a self-guided experience...for only $279! Click here for more info and to purchase.
​PRICE: $2300
Want to learn more or get started?
Contact us at info@elementalgroup.org or 513.400.4595.