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Not sure where you want to go...or how to get there? Maybe you just need the right equipment.

Introducing the Elemental Pathway.

What if you could identify and remove growth barriers? Empower your volunteers? Build passionate people? Make a real difference in your community? And what if you had church-tested tools for team-building and leadership development?

We’ve spent years developing tools for specifically designed purposes—from organizational and leadership assessments to vision clarification to creating healthy church systems to strategic planning—all in the context of interactive team-building and leadership development.

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And now we’ve included all of them in a single cost-effective journey
into church effectiveness!

The ELEMENTAL PATHWAY takes advantage of 5 distinct tools combined for a comprehensive approach to church effectiveness. Our research has shown that all healthy and effective churches have four crucial elements: Integrity (systems/processes), Passion (commitment to mission), Servanthood (outward focus), and Imagination (innovation & change capacity). Churches that infuse these traits into their operating system are more robust with longer-term impact on their communities.

Our tools are designed for five phases. This holistic approach combines online assessments, coaching, and action-learning, gamified tools for highly engaging, team-based interaction.

Want to see how it works? Watch this video for an overview...

Five tools. One goal: The health and effectiveness of your church.

The Elemental Pathway includes all 5 tools and 6 months of coaching as well as cohorts for networks and denominations.

For more info and pricing, click on our Menu. 

Need more info? Call 513.400.4595 or

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THE ELEMENTAL GROUP | 4685 SARAH DRIVE, MASON, OH 45040 | 513.400.4595

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