Do you and your church really matter?
A quote that has haunted me for years in my work with churches goes like this:
“Are you the kind of person, and is your church the kind of church, about which others in your community might say, ‘I don’t share their beliefs, but I shudder to think about what this city would be like without them?’”
This idea will always be a restless tension for me. It’s constantly there: pushing me to consider ways that help church leaders genuinely contribute to the well-being of their communities. As you consider the places and spaces you inhabit—and regardless of your position on this topic or that issue—is it a well-established belief and perception that the community is deeply loved by you and your church? When others think about your church or your life, will they know without a doubt that:
You actually listen to what matters to your community?
You’re committed to learning from the people who live around you?
You show your love through practical, tangible acts of kindness?
You share the burdens and joys of your neighborhood?
You see your community as a place to belong, not just a resource to be used?
These are the markers of a church and a life that truly matters. Following Jesus’ example means embodying this kind of love, where your community feels your presence, not just your programs. You don’t have to convince people that you matter. When you show up like this, they already know.
When we embrace this call to matter in our communities, we’re stepping into the heart of true servanthood. Servanthood is a core value here at the Elemental Group—it’s about meeting people where they are, setting aside our own agendas to put the needs of others first. It’s not about being noticed; it’s about making a real difference in the lives of others, quietly and powerfully. When we embody this posture, we become reflections of the selfless love of Jesus, offering ourselves as agents for lasting change, embodying the essence of what it means to serve.
Are we the kind of people who make a difference, who add real value to the places where we live, work, and worship? Are we a church that truly matters? You, and your church, have the power to be the heartbeat of the place you call home.
Consider this: In what specific ways can your church serve your community to show that you prioritize their needs over your own preferences or programs?
Paul Baldwin | The Elemental Group
Work for the well-being of the city where I have sent you to and pray to the Lord for this. For if it is well with the city you live in, it will be well with you. JEREMIAH 29:7 NLV
Paul Baldwin is a consultant/strategist with the Elemental Group and has been a pastor and leader for over 30 years. He holds a degree in Sociology and Organizational Management and a Masters in Education and Counseling from Cal Poly State University. Paul is the author of Devout in Doubt: Diving into Deeper Devotion about his challenge with cancer.